From God's own Spirit to Yours
The Bible reveals a great deal about the Spirit of God, and what He brings to us.
His message below is a power-filled first person narrative from the Holy Spirit of God.
When I was asked by a local Christian group to give a presentation on any topic I chose, I simply asked the Lord what He would have me say to the group.
Early the very next morning, the Holy Spirit awoke me, and led me to compose the message you are about to read.
While presenting the message to that group, there was an obvious sense of God's glory enveloping the meeting room, an atmosphere of spiritual jubilation.
Following the presentation, I was led by the Spirit through the meeting room, reaching out to each person, encouraging them in the Word, as they received in that moment what God had for them.
This message from the Holy Spirit contains the power of love to change our hearts and lives!
It is the living Word from God for each of us to be spiritually nourished by.
Listen with your heart, to the Holy Spirit of God speaking from God's own heart, with this candid and powerful message of love.
[My own clarifications are indicated in green & bracketed]
[Holy Spirit speaking]
Surely, it is my pleasure to be at this place, in this very moment, and with each of you.
I AM the Spirit of God.
I’ve lived in these parts [the various parts of the body of Christ] for quite some time, and before this I was with God in Heaven.
Remember when Jesus said, in Matthew 12:28, that:
"If He cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you"?
I AM the kingdom of God, even within you.
I cannot say how old I am, for I truly have no beginning, as your Father has no beginning, and neither do I have an end.
Let me remind you though, of my Word that I have given to your ancestors, describing the beginning of creation.
Remember hearing of when the earth was void and without form, and darkness was on the face of the deep? Genesis 1:2
Well, that was really Me, the Spirit of God, moving, or hovering over the waters.
I knew that as a foreshadow, a prefigure of things to come.
You see, I hovered over each of you when you were in spiritual darkness.
And I have now brought to pass the light of God into your world, and the formation of His Word to pass in your existence, that He can look upon what He has created in you and say “It is Good”.
Are you seeing the picture here of how long I've been around, and of what I have witnessed and have even created thus far?
I bring a lot of experience with Me, and I intend to use it for your benefit!
You see, you are the reason I am here.
Love has sent me unto you!
Jesus asked the Father to send me unto you the moment you received Him as your Savior and Lord.
Since that moment, my assignment is to bring your Father, the Almighty God, the Creator of all creation, along with all that He is and all that He has, into your life.
I have been assigned to each of you in this room, and I am to remain with you all the days of your lives here on this earth.
Let me give you a demonstration of some of the ways I work in your life.
First, how many of you know that you are a child of God?
I mean really know!
How do you know?
Do you just think you are, or do you really, really know?
Well, deep inside you, something is telling you that you being a child of God is an established fact. [If you have received Jesus as Lord, then the Spirit of God now dwells in you]. Romans 8:9-11
Yes, you are the child of the Most High God, and He is your Father!
Well, that deep and sure knowing comes from me.
I bear witness to Truth.
Let’s read what my word says in Romans 8:16:
“The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God”.
Now, we can also read in 1John 5:6 what is declared again about me: “This is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit (that’s me) that bears witness, because the Spirit is Truth.”
You see, witnessing to the truth is one of the ways I help you.
And, this truth is to help you recognize and avoid deception.
For deception is the primary tool which your adversary, the devil, uses against you. He is always trying to make you believe that which is not true.
Now, much of the time, you recognize my witness as a check in your spirit, like a sense or inner knowing about a situation, on the inside of you.
Let’s look at 1Corinthians 3:16, which says,
“Know ye not that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?
Did you hear that!
That’s me, the Spirit of God, who is dwelling deep inside you, in there where your own spirit man lives.
It is mostly your own spirit that I speak to, not your natural mind or physical senses.
You can recognize me within you simply as a knowing, rather than a thought or an imagination.
It is important that you practice discerning the difference between a knowing and a thought, for this is how you will learn to hear from me often.
The more adept you become at hearing me, the clearer my voice will become within you, and the more confident you will be in what I tell you.
I am always here for you!
I am also the voice of your Father in Heaven, and of His Son Jesus.
All of the written Word was formed under my inspiration and direction to the men and women who are your ancestors.
In the book of Job, Chapter 32 and verse 8, we read:
“But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding”.
And also, in 2 Timothy 3:16, you should be familiar with the following verse:
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God (that’s each of you here in this room) may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”
Now, know this for a certainty. The world cannot know me!
Only you can know me.
Listen to what Jesus says in John 14:17:
“Even the Spirit of Truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see him, neither does the world know him: but you know him; for he dwells with you, and is in you.”
And now, listen to my Word in 1Corinthians 2:9-14:
"But as it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.
But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit of God searches all things, yea, the deep things of God.
For what man knows the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him?
Even so the things of God no man knows, but the Spirit of God knows.
Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us by God.
Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Ghost teaches; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”
You see, I speak with the spirit man, or the conscience, within each of you, because you have chosen to believe in Jesus with your heart, and you have confessed Him as Lord.
I am the voice spoken of by Jesus, as recorded in John 10:27, when He says: “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”
And again, in the book of Revelation, chapter 14, verse 13:
“And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, 'Write: Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors; and their works do follow them'.”
There you have it!
I am the voice of your Father, who is in heaven, and the voice of His Son Jesus, your Master, who sits at His right hand.
So now, can you see how important it is for each of you to practice listening to and discerning my voice speaking to you from within?
And, it is just as important that as you listen to my voice, you place the utmost importance on what I am telling you.
I will always lead you into the best of everything you could know and experience in this life.
For thus saith the Lord, as written in Isaiah 55:9:
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
Now, let me tell you about the most important gift I bring to you, one which is absolutely essential and indispensable to every one of you in this life.
This gift is well described by Paul in our letter to the church at Corinth, recorded in 1Corinthians 13:13:
“These three things will remain for ever. They are faith, hope, and Love. And Love is the greatest of them.”
So that you can gain an understanding of why the presence and action of Love is so important to your life, let me tell you that without Love, you are without God.
Or, another way this can be said is that if God is present, then Love must also be present. It just cannot be any other way.
You can’t separate God from Love.
Because, as written in the book of 1John 4:8:
"He who does not Love has not become acquainted with God [does not and never did know Him], for God is Love.”
God also declared this truth through His Son Jesus.
In John, 15:5, we read: “Apart from Me you can do nothing [that would have any true and lasting benefit]."
Remember, we just read that God is Love.
So we can also say that apart from Love you can do nothing.
Now, the Love that I bring to you from God is not the same love that the world knows.
The world does not have the Love of God in them!
I bring the Love of God, as a gift, to those who receive salvation.
Listen to what the Word says in Romans 5:5 concerning this Love: “And hope maketh not ashamed; because the Love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost [Spirit of God] which is given unto us.”
Now, in the book of John 13:34-35, Jesus says:
“A new commandment I give unto you, that ye Love one another; as I have Loved you, that ye also Love one another.
By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you demonstrate Love one to another.”
This is a different kind of love than you had before you were born again.
For, the world does not have this kind of Love in them.
This is Love that comes from God Himself, and only I bring it unto men as God wills.
This Love should be visible to all, and is unique to the children of God.
Recall the words of Jesus from the book of John as we just read a moment ago: “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have Love one to another.”
The world has love, alright, but it is not the Love of God.
They have the love of money, the love of themselves, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, the pride of life and so forth.
All of the love of the world is pretty much for selfish gain.
This is a type of love used mostly to achieve gain or benefit for oneself.
God’s Love gives!
This is why the authors of the King James version of the scriptures interpreted the Greek word 'agape' as charity, instead of love.
They were attempting to distinguish this Love from the love that the world is already familiar with.
God’s Love always seeks to give something to someone other than yourself. This is the opposite of the love that the world has known.
Now, you must also understand why this Love is absolutely necessary for you to activate.
You do have the Love of God in you, but it will just lie there dormant if you do not willingly put it into effect.
In Galatians 5:6, it is written: “For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision avails any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which is worked by Love.”
You see, in Christ, which is where you should abide as believers, the only availing you are ever going to know will come as your faith, which is another one of my gifts to you and contained in each of God’s promises, is worked, or activated, by your Father’s Love which I have shed abroad in your hearts.
Your Heavenly Father’s Word is his promise of the inheritance you received when you entered into His family.
Each promise is a seed of faith.
“The sower sows the word” (Mark 4:14).
The promise is what you must accept in your heart as truth, even as a sure thing.
I have been deposited into your life to bring to pass the promise of God you have heard and have received into your heart as Truth.
In 2 Corinthians 1:22 we read: “God has also appropriated and acknowledged us as His own by putting His seal upon us and giving us His Holy Spirit into our hearts, as the security deposit and guarantee of the fulfillment of His promise [all that we have inherited as children of God].”
“And so faith, hope and Love, abide these three. But the greatest of these is Love”. 1Corinthians 13:13
Hope is the motivator to cause you to seek the Truth of God.
Faith is the receiving of the promise of God into your heart, as a seed, and protecting that Truth above all else that you would hear or experience.
God has created the seed for you to sow, and each seed contains a promise of something greater to come.
Once a seed is sown in your life, or in the life of another, your Father alone makes the seed to grow.
In Mark 4:26 it is written: ”And Jesus said, ‘so is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground; and should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up, he knoweth not how'.”
As it is written, “Faith is worked by Love”. And God is this Love.
This is why Love is the greatest of the three. Love is the creator of both hope and faith.
Love is the very presence of God in your hearts, looking to be released into the earth through your lives.
If you will lay down your life for Love’s highest use, Love will live His life through you, and you will then discover a higher life you could not have known before.
Christ Jesus has surrendered Himself, and has laid His life down.
His heavenly Father expressed Himself, as Love, to the world through Him.
You are now the body of His Son, the body of Christ.
Now your Father desires above all else to express Himself to the world through you.
The command to Love the world can be accomplished in no other way than by your Father God, who is Love, expressing Himself through you.
We are all created new to have faith in God, and to obey the commandment of Jesus, written in John 13:34:
“That ye Love one another; as I have Loved you”
How did Jesus Love us?
With the Love of God; with the Love that is God.
Jesus Loved with the unselfish Love.
He came to give life, and life more abundantly to all those who would receive Him.
Love gives healing to the sick.
Love gives food to the hungry.
Love gives sight to the blind, physically and spiritually.
Love is moved by compassion and not by greed.
Christ’s kind of Love is motivated by confidence in His Father, and not by fear.
This is how He has commanded us to Love, just as He Loved.
“These are the works of my Father” Jesus said.
“And, these works you shall do, and greater works than these, for I go unto my Father”, he also declared.
These are not the works of men we witnessed, but the works of God in response to the faith and the Love present in the heart of even one person.
So, let us conclude with this.
Listen to my voice within you.
Have unwavering confidence in my Word, for this is faith.
Work faith by letting God’s Love radiate out of you, just as Jesus demonstrated.
You have this Love in you.
Continue to activate it in your life by letting God shine through you.
Release it as a light upon a hill into the dark lives of others each day, just like Jesus has demonstrated.
For you are now the aroma of Christ, and the body of Christ, here on this earth.
Copyright 2019
This message was delivered through and is now published by David Scott Carrig
Scripture mostly quoted from The Amplified Bible - copyright The Lockman Foundation
His message below is a power-filled first person narrative from the Holy Spirit of God.
When I was asked by a local Christian group to give a presentation on any topic I chose, I simply asked the Lord what He would have me say to the group.
Early the very next morning, the Holy Spirit awoke me, and led me to compose the message you are about to read.
While presenting the message to that group, there was an obvious sense of God's glory enveloping the meeting room, an atmosphere of spiritual jubilation.
Following the presentation, I was led by the Spirit through the meeting room, reaching out to each person, encouraging them in the Word, as they received in that moment what God had for them.
This message from the Holy Spirit contains the power of love to change our hearts and lives!
It is the living Word from God for each of us to be spiritually nourished by.
Listen with your heart, to the Holy Spirit of God speaking from God's own heart, with this candid and powerful message of love.
[My own clarifications are indicated in green & bracketed]
[Holy Spirit speaking]
Surely, it is my pleasure to be at this place, in this very moment, and with each of you.
I AM the Spirit of God.
I’ve lived in these parts [the various parts of the body of Christ] for quite some time, and before this I was with God in Heaven.
Remember when Jesus said, in Matthew 12:28, that:
"If He cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you"?
I AM the kingdom of God, even within you.
I cannot say how old I am, for I truly have no beginning, as your Father has no beginning, and neither do I have an end.
Let me remind you though, of my Word that I have given to your ancestors, describing the beginning of creation.
Remember hearing of when the earth was void and without form, and darkness was on the face of the deep? Genesis 1:2
Well, that was really Me, the Spirit of God, moving, or hovering over the waters.
I knew that as a foreshadow, a prefigure of things to come.
You see, I hovered over each of you when you were in spiritual darkness.
And I have now brought to pass the light of God into your world, and the formation of His Word to pass in your existence, that He can look upon what He has created in you and say “It is Good”.
Are you seeing the picture here of how long I've been around, and of what I have witnessed and have even created thus far?
I bring a lot of experience with Me, and I intend to use it for your benefit!
You see, you are the reason I am here.
Love has sent me unto you!
Jesus asked the Father to send me unto you the moment you received Him as your Savior and Lord.
Since that moment, my assignment is to bring your Father, the Almighty God, the Creator of all creation, along with all that He is and all that He has, into your life.
I have been assigned to each of you in this room, and I am to remain with you all the days of your lives here on this earth.
Let me give you a demonstration of some of the ways I work in your life.
First, how many of you know that you are a child of God?
I mean really know!
How do you know?
Do you just think you are, or do you really, really know?
Well, deep inside you, something is telling you that you being a child of God is an established fact. [If you have received Jesus as Lord, then the Spirit of God now dwells in you]. Romans 8:9-11
Yes, you are the child of the Most High God, and He is your Father!
Well, that deep and sure knowing comes from me.
I bear witness to Truth.
Let’s read what my word says in Romans 8:16:
“The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God”.
Now, we can also read in 1John 5:6 what is declared again about me: “This is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit (that’s me) that bears witness, because the Spirit is Truth.”
You see, witnessing to the truth is one of the ways I help you.
And, this truth is to help you recognize and avoid deception.
For deception is the primary tool which your adversary, the devil, uses against you. He is always trying to make you believe that which is not true.
Now, much of the time, you recognize my witness as a check in your spirit, like a sense or inner knowing about a situation, on the inside of you.
Let’s look at 1Corinthians 3:16, which says,
“Know ye not that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?
Did you hear that!
That’s me, the Spirit of God, who is dwelling deep inside you, in there where your own spirit man lives.
It is mostly your own spirit that I speak to, not your natural mind or physical senses.
You can recognize me within you simply as a knowing, rather than a thought or an imagination.
It is important that you practice discerning the difference between a knowing and a thought, for this is how you will learn to hear from me often.
The more adept you become at hearing me, the clearer my voice will become within you, and the more confident you will be in what I tell you.
I am always here for you!
I am also the voice of your Father in Heaven, and of His Son Jesus.
All of the written Word was formed under my inspiration and direction to the men and women who are your ancestors.
In the book of Job, Chapter 32 and verse 8, we read:
“But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding”.
And also, in 2 Timothy 3:16, you should be familiar with the following verse:
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God (that’s each of you here in this room) may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”
Now, know this for a certainty. The world cannot know me!
Only you can know me.
Listen to what Jesus says in John 14:17:
“Even the Spirit of Truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see him, neither does the world know him: but you know him; for he dwells with you, and is in you.”
And now, listen to my Word in 1Corinthians 2:9-14:
"But as it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.
But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit of God searches all things, yea, the deep things of God.
For what man knows the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him?
Even so the things of God no man knows, but the Spirit of God knows.
Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us by God.
Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Ghost teaches; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”
You see, I speak with the spirit man, or the conscience, within each of you, because you have chosen to believe in Jesus with your heart, and you have confessed Him as Lord.
I am the voice spoken of by Jesus, as recorded in John 10:27, when He says: “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”
And again, in the book of Revelation, chapter 14, verse 13:
“And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, 'Write: Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors; and their works do follow them'.”
There you have it!
I am the voice of your Father, who is in heaven, and the voice of His Son Jesus, your Master, who sits at His right hand.
So now, can you see how important it is for each of you to practice listening to and discerning my voice speaking to you from within?
And, it is just as important that as you listen to my voice, you place the utmost importance on what I am telling you.
I will always lead you into the best of everything you could know and experience in this life.
For thus saith the Lord, as written in Isaiah 55:9:
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
Now, let me tell you about the most important gift I bring to you, one which is absolutely essential and indispensable to every one of you in this life.
This gift is well described by Paul in our letter to the church at Corinth, recorded in 1Corinthians 13:13:
“These three things will remain for ever. They are faith, hope, and Love. And Love is the greatest of them.”
So that you can gain an understanding of why the presence and action of Love is so important to your life, let me tell you that without Love, you are without God.
Or, another way this can be said is that if God is present, then Love must also be present. It just cannot be any other way.
You can’t separate God from Love.
Because, as written in the book of 1John 4:8:
"He who does not Love has not become acquainted with God [does not and never did know Him], for God is Love.”
God also declared this truth through His Son Jesus.
In John, 15:5, we read: “Apart from Me you can do nothing [that would have any true and lasting benefit]."
Remember, we just read that God is Love.
So we can also say that apart from Love you can do nothing.
Now, the Love that I bring to you from God is not the same love that the world knows.
The world does not have the Love of God in them!
I bring the Love of God, as a gift, to those who receive salvation.
Listen to what the Word says in Romans 5:5 concerning this Love: “And hope maketh not ashamed; because the Love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost [Spirit of God] which is given unto us.”
Now, in the book of John 13:34-35, Jesus says:
“A new commandment I give unto you, that ye Love one another; as I have Loved you, that ye also Love one another.
By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you demonstrate Love one to another.”
This is a different kind of love than you had before you were born again.
For, the world does not have this kind of Love in them.
This is Love that comes from God Himself, and only I bring it unto men as God wills.
This Love should be visible to all, and is unique to the children of God.
Recall the words of Jesus from the book of John as we just read a moment ago: “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have Love one to another.”
The world has love, alright, but it is not the Love of God.
They have the love of money, the love of themselves, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, the pride of life and so forth.
All of the love of the world is pretty much for selfish gain.
This is a type of love used mostly to achieve gain or benefit for oneself.
God’s Love gives!
This is why the authors of the King James version of the scriptures interpreted the Greek word 'agape' as charity, instead of love.
They were attempting to distinguish this Love from the love that the world is already familiar with.
God’s Love always seeks to give something to someone other than yourself. This is the opposite of the love that the world has known.
Now, you must also understand why this Love is absolutely necessary for you to activate.
You do have the Love of God in you, but it will just lie there dormant if you do not willingly put it into effect.
In Galatians 5:6, it is written: “For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision avails any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which is worked by Love.”
You see, in Christ, which is where you should abide as believers, the only availing you are ever going to know will come as your faith, which is another one of my gifts to you and contained in each of God’s promises, is worked, or activated, by your Father’s Love which I have shed abroad in your hearts.
Your Heavenly Father’s Word is his promise of the inheritance you received when you entered into His family.
Each promise is a seed of faith.
“The sower sows the word” (Mark 4:14).
The promise is what you must accept in your heart as truth, even as a sure thing.
I have been deposited into your life to bring to pass the promise of God you have heard and have received into your heart as Truth.
In 2 Corinthians 1:22 we read: “God has also appropriated and acknowledged us as His own by putting His seal upon us and giving us His Holy Spirit into our hearts, as the security deposit and guarantee of the fulfillment of His promise [all that we have inherited as children of God].”
“And so faith, hope and Love, abide these three. But the greatest of these is Love”. 1Corinthians 13:13
Hope is the motivator to cause you to seek the Truth of God.
Faith is the receiving of the promise of God into your heart, as a seed, and protecting that Truth above all else that you would hear or experience.
God has created the seed for you to sow, and each seed contains a promise of something greater to come.
Once a seed is sown in your life, or in the life of another, your Father alone makes the seed to grow.
In Mark 4:26 it is written: ”And Jesus said, ‘so is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground; and should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up, he knoweth not how'.”
As it is written, “Faith is worked by Love”. And God is this Love.
This is why Love is the greatest of the three. Love is the creator of both hope and faith.
Love is the very presence of God in your hearts, looking to be released into the earth through your lives.
If you will lay down your life for Love’s highest use, Love will live His life through you, and you will then discover a higher life you could not have known before.
Christ Jesus has surrendered Himself, and has laid His life down.
His heavenly Father expressed Himself, as Love, to the world through Him.
You are now the body of His Son, the body of Christ.
Now your Father desires above all else to express Himself to the world through you.
The command to Love the world can be accomplished in no other way than by your Father God, who is Love, expressing Himself through you.
We are all created new to have faith in God, and to obey the commandment of Jesus, written in John 13:34:
“That ye Love one another; as I have Loved you”
How did Jesus Love us?
With the Love of God; with the Love that is God.
Jesus Loved with the unselfish Love.
He came to give life, and life more abundantly to all those who would receive Him.
Love gives healing to the sick.
Love gives food to the hungry.
Love gives sight to the blind, physically and spiritually.
Love is moved by compassion and not by greed.
Christ’s kind of Love is motivated by confidence in His Father, and not by fear.
This is how He has commanded us to Love, just as He Loved.
“These are the works of my Father” Jesus said.
“And, these works you shall do, and greater works than these, for I go unto my Father”, he also declared.
These are not the works of men we witnessed, but the works of God in response to the faith and the Love present in the heart of even one person.
So, let us conclude with this.
Listen to my voice within you.
Have unwavering confidence in my Word, for this is faith.
Work faith by letting God’s Love radiate out of you, just as Jesus demonstrated.
You have this Love in you.
Continue to activate it in your life by letting God shine through you.
Release it as a light upon a hill into the dark lives of others each day, just like Jesus has demonstrated.
For you are now the aroma of Christ, and the body of Christ, here on this earth.
Copyright 2019
This message was delivered through and is now published by David Scott Carrig
Scripture mostly quoted from The Amplified Bible - copyright The Lockman Foundation